A Sick Day for Amos
Amos is a creature of habit - every day he rises at the exact same time and follows the exact same routine as he readies himself for work. 'He would wind his watch and set a pot of water to boil', and soon he is out the door to catch ...READ MORE
Letters From Felix: A Little Rabbit on a World Tour
My middle child, Sophie, has a stuffed friend she got when she was 18 months old – a cute puppy from Hershey Park. She could barely walk, but somehow toddled over to this particular souvenir, picked him up by the ear and proclaimed his name was Woofy. He has barely ...READ MORE
My Wish List
Over the last two weeks I have offered two separate summer reading suggestions – books my kids are reading right now and their favorite books. This week it’s my turn! There are a few books I am always trying to convince my kids to read – so far unsuccessfully. I’m ...READ MORE
Summer Reading Suggestions
Summer Reading Suggestions Summer is the perfect opportunity to spend a few hours curled up with a good book (or books, as is the case here in my house, as all of us are usually immersed in two or three books at a time). And if you’re anything like ...READ MORE
When I saw my two older children literally have a tug of war battle over a book, I knew precisely how to settle the argument. That much desperation could only mean one thing, so I quickly took the book and settled onto the couch, and flipped to Page One. It ...READ MORE
Wooby & Peep: A Story of Unlikely Friendship
With school out, my kids are once again heading off to camp, which means seeing old buddies and forging new friendships. Wooby & Peep: A Story of Unlikely Friendship(written by Cynthea Liu and illustrated by Mary Peterson) is a perfect book for this time of year: a fun, silly, important ...READ MORE
OK Book
Let’s face it – as parents we tend to push our kids to succeed. Nothing wrong with that, except that it seems we expecting more and more from them at a younger and younger age - even in my own family where I try to compliment the effort rather than ...READ MORE
Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site
There’s something about little boys and trucks – my son knew the difference between a backhoe, front loader and excavator practically before he could talk. We would spend hours just down the street from our house where there was a new home being built, watching the construction, as he offered ...READ MORE

The Cloud Spinner
I tend to be one of those mothers – the sort who constantly finds lessons in every day happenings. I stop at roadside markers so we can learn about history, and I always have my phone handy just in case we come upon a new idea or concept and I ...READ MORE

“And I Thought About You”
Every morning, countless of working moms head off to the office – and regardless of where you stand on the stay-at-home versus working mother debate, there is no doubt it’s never easy leaving the kids behind in someone else’s care. “And I Thought About You” written by Rosanne Kurstedt and ...READ MORE

OBLIVION by Jane Louise Boursaw Reel Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Reels MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi action violence, brief strong language, and some sensuality/nudity Released in Theaters: April 19, 2013 (2D, IMAX) Genre: Action, Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi Runtime: 126 minutes Directed by: Joseph Kosinski Cast: Tom ...READ MORE

THE GREAT GATSBY by Jane Louise Boursaw Reel Rating: 4 out of 5 Reels MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some violent images, sexual content, smoking, partying and brief language. Released in Theaters: May 10, 2013 (2D, 3D) Genre: Drama, Romance, Based on a Book Runtime: 142 minutes Directed ...READ MORE

The Dark
Both my older children gobbled up the series, ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ by the mysterious Lemony Snicket, which follows the three orphaned Baudelaire children as they are shuttled to live with Count Olaf, a distant uncle, after their parents death in a fire – so when I discovered ‘The ...READ MORE

Mr. Tickle (Mr. Men and Little Miss Series)
I admit I’m a bit late to the Mr. Men and Little Miss series – sure, I’d seen the faces on t-shirts and vaguely heard about the characters with names like Mr. Fussy and Miss Tiny - but, the truth is, even after receiving a half dozen of these books ...READ MORE

How To Take Your Grandmother To The Museum
I treasure the special bond my children share with their grandparents – although, of course, I always wonder how these people (aka our parents) can be the same ones who engaged such strict rules and held such high expectations and yet now believe that an entire box of Mallomars is ...READ MORE

Binky the Space Cat
Lately, on library day, my daughter has been bringing home graphic novels. I knew they were all the rage right now (at least in her class) but other than The Invention of Hugo Cabret, I really wasn’t sure what they were all about and was sort of thinking she was ...READ MORE

F in Exams
Book Review: F in Exams First, let me say straight off that I don’t generally condone blatant sarcasm, especially when uttered by a young adult. And secondly, I also don’t really find it appropriate to celebrate bad test scores. Combine a sarcastic young adult with bad test scores, well, ...READ MORE

Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer
Bestselling author, John Grisham published his first book, Time to Kill, in 1989 – and, currently with more than 25 books and 275 million copies in print, has established himself as a leader in adult legal thrillers. Now, with Theodore Boone, Kid Lawyer, Grisham produces an equally riveting and suspenseful ...READ MORE

Sofia The First
Sofia The First, Written by Cathy Hapka, Illustrated by Grace Lee, 40 Pages, Ages 3-8 A young commoner dreams of becoming a princess – and then one day, after her mother marries the king, her wish comes true! What young girl hasn't pretended she has been magically transformed into royalty, ...READ MORE

My Brave Year of Firsts: Tries, Sighs and High Fives
My Brave Year of Firsts: Tries, Sighs and High Fives By Jamie Lee Curtis (Writer) and Laura Cornell (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Author Jamie Lee Curtis and Illustrator Laura Cornell have done it again! In, "My Brave Year of Firsts: Tries, Sighs and High Fives", both children and parents will enjoy ...READ MORE

I’ll Save You Bobo
I’ll Save You Bobo By Eileen & Marc Rosenthal, Ages 3-6 A young boy named Willy has a tough time reading his dinosaur book with his favorite stuffed animal monkey named Bobo. But what’s the problem? No one other than his relentless pet cat… Earl. Earl refuses to leave ...READ MORE

This Is the Dreidel
This Is the Dreidel By Abby Levine, Illustrated By Paige Billin-Fry, Ages 4-7 Main character Max and his family of four celebrate the eight night of Hanukkah! This story revolves around the Jewish holiday, teaching the many well known traditions with the use of witty rhyming and adoring characters. Max ...READ MORE

What If?
What If? By Else Holmelund Minarik, Illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham, Ages 3-6 Two cats named Pit and Pat were tossed out of the house. They scuffled in the snow until an idea came to mind… their own Christmas tree! Thoughts and schemes and suggestions were exchanged back and forth ...READ MORE

The Night After Christmas
The Night After Christmas, By James Stevenson, Ages 4-8 Christmas time is the time of year filled with good friends, family, food... and of course new toys! But when the new toys make an appearance under the tree, old teddy bear and doll find themselves replaced, and thrown in the ...READ MORE

Otto The Book Bear
Otto The Book Bear By Katie Cleminson, Ages 3-6 Otto The Book Bear is a small bear with a big secret. When no eyes are on him, Otto comes to life and escapes from his book! He travels long and far exploring the house his book owner resides at, reading ...READ MORE

All About Grandmas
All About Grandmas By Roni Schotter, Ages 4-7 All grandmas are just a little off their rocker in their own special way, but they all seem to have one thing in common… love and wisdom! This story shares the assortment of hobbies, interests, and funny quirks grandmas have all around ...READ MORE

Dog Loves Drawing
Dog Loves Drawing By Louise Yates, Ages 3-5 Dog loved books so much he owned his own bookstore. When he wasn’t reading new stories he was sharing his passion and reading to others. One morning, a package was delivered to his store leading to the start of something new… and ...READ MORE

Blue Sky
Blue Sky By Audrey Wood, Ages 2-4 Best Selling author and illustrator, Audrey Wood, uses her magnificently vivid drawings and meticulously simple words to portray the many scenes of the sky. There are only two words on each page. For example, rainbow sky, storm sky, wish sky, etc. But with ...READ MORE

The Kissing Hand, By Audrey Penn, Ages 4-7
New York Times #1 Bestseller This is a loving story addressing the topic of separation anxiety when it comes to parents and their precious children. This change is hard to grasp as a child but this book does the perfect job in helping them overcome it. Chester, a little raccoon ...READ MORE

Crafts to Make in the Fall, By Kathy Ross, All Ages
This crafty book includes a variety of TWENTY NINE different ideas for the fall. Boys, girls, parents, friends, this book will keep you entertained (and distracted long enough to clean up their last mess!) Each craft project includes a list of what you will need, numbered steps of what to ...READ MORE

The BugaBees, By Amy Recob, Ages 4-8
This is the story of eight BugaBees—A great bunch of friends with food allergies. Eight best friends face a variety of different food allergies. This amusing book teaches the importance of taking care of yourself and each other. Food allergies are never fun, but with friends by your side, there's ...READ MORE

I'm Like You, You're Like Me, By Cindy Gainer, Ages 4-6
A book about understanding and appreciating each other. People are unique in their own ways and this story does a wonderful job at pointing this out for children. It teaches children to recognize similarities, accept one another's differences, and appreciate each other for who we are. "One of us is ...READ MORE

Dot, By Patricia Intriago, Ages 2-4
This book is full of dots! And not just ordinary ones. This children's book does a perfect job comparing opposites on each page, portraying adjectives with just simple dots! "Heavy dot, Light dot, Hungry dot, Full dot". Your child will learn a range of opposite relationships with this unique, and ...READ MORE

Hop, Hop, Jump!, By Lauren Thompson, Ages 3-5
Written by New York Times bestselling author. An easy read that'll get you on your feet! This interactive book teaches children the many ways they can move with its rhyming text and silly illustrations. "Move your body!Have some fun!Watch!We'll show you how it's done." This is just the right book ...READ MORE

Chloe Instead, By Micah Player, Ages 4-6
If this isn't a girly girl book, I don't know what is! From cover to close to the heartwarming message inside, this bright, striped book will surely catch your little one's attention. Molly hoped for a little sister, but when her wish came true, she was taken by surprise. Molly ...READ MORE

Too Many Toys by David Shannon, Ages 4-8
Spencer is a young man who is flush with toys. Armies of soldiers, convoys of cars, a zoo's worth of animals and a bonanza of weapons are just the front ranks of all the toys that populate his house inside and out. And every single toy is declared his favorite, ...READ MORE

Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl, Ages 9-12
Wily Mr. Fox outwits a trio of nasty farmers who want to be rid of him and his family. Roald Dahl's wild way with story is well known from Charlie and the Chocolate factory and others. Mr. Fox offers a gentler, but equally whimsical kind of humour. Readers may also ...READ MORE

The Borrowers by Mary Norton, Ages 9-12
Have you ever wondered where your needles and thread vanish to? What happened to that last potato you thought was in the cupboard? Or the postage stamps you know you left in the drawer? Perhaps you did use them, or lose them, but perhaps the borrowers took them. Imagine tiny ...READ MORE

The Big No-No by Geoffrey Hayes, Ages 4-8
In this delightful sequel to Benny and Penny in Just Pretend (2008), the mouse siblings have a new neighbor whom they suspect might be a thief, because Benny's pail is missing. When they look over the fence into the backyard, they see strange footprints. Then Benny falls into the yard, ...READ MORE

May I Please Have a Cookie? by Jennifer Morris, Ages 4-8
For kids just starting to read, this cheerful title in the Scholastic Reader series is a combination of very simple sentences and bright, clear, colorful illustrations. Alligator Mommy is baking cookies. Alfie loves cookies, but when he tries to grab one, Mommy tells him to "think of a better way ...READ MORE

The Boy Who Cried Wolf by B.G. Hennessy, Ages 3-7
Retold By B.G. HennessyIllustrated By Boris Kulikov Although we teach children not to judge a book by its cover, this hardcover book will not only WOW them on the shelf, but onto the very last page. The Boy Who Cried Wolf is a retold story of the original fable with ...READ MORE

Nothing by Jon Agee, Ages 4-8
How can you buy "Nothing"? Well, that is exactly what Suzie Gump does when she enters Otis's store. She buys nothing and sets-off on a town wide frenzy of buying nothing. Her lavish spending sparks the town's interest and soon everybody is buying and selling nothing until they realize they ...READ MORE

Charlie Anderson by Barbara Abercrombie, Ages 4 - 8
One day out of the woods a cat, named Charlie came into Elizabeth and Sara lives. He played with them, slept with them, and ate with them. One night Charlie didn't come home. The girls search for him to no avail; then one day they discovered him at another house. ...READ MORE

The Mouse and the Motorcycle by Beverly Cleary, Ages 8 - 12
Ralph the mouse ventures out from behind the piney knothole in the wall of his hotel-room home, scrambles up the telephone wire to the end table, and climbs aboard the toy motorcycle left there by a young guest. His thrill ride does not last long. The ringing telephone startles Ralph, ...READ MORE

Incredible Me! by Kathi Appelt, Ages 3 - 6
Join a rambunctious child as she exuberantly celebrates all the wonderful qualities that make her special -- her nose, her toes, her ears, herself! This is a fun to read story of a nameless little girl with pigtails who is very happy to be herself. Throughout the story she sings ...READ MORE

Book of Big Brothers by Cary Fagan, Ages 3-7
"Sometimes we get along and sometimes we don't. But there are still a lot of things we want to do together." Never sentimental, the warm, wry scenarios in this picture book explore sibling relationships from a younger child's viewpoint that speaks about the shared fun and the friction, the rivalry, ...READ MORE

All Kinds of Families by Mary Ann Hoberman, Ages 3-8
With irresistible, rollicking rhyme, beloved picture book author Mary Ann Hoberman shows readers that families, large and small, are all around us. From celery stalks to bottle caps, buttons, and rings, the objects we group together form families, just like the ones we are a part of. And, as we ...READ MORE

A Good Day by Kevin Henkes, Ages 1 and up
Four animals‚ "sun-yellow bird, a white terrier, an orange fox and a brown squirrel" îface small disappointments that threaten to ruin their moods. The bird loses a prized tail feather, the dog tangles his leash around the fence, the fox has lost sight of his mother, and a meaty acorn ...READ MORE

Cat Jumped In! By Tess Weaver, Ages 4-8
When someone leaves the kitchen window open, Cat jumps in! So begins the tale of an outdoor cat who finds his way into a tidy house, wreaking havoc at every turn. That is, until he finds his way in once more--this time into someone's heart. Beautiful, bright watercolors from Caldecott-winning ...READ MORE

The Wheat Doll by Alison L. Randall, Ages 4-8
Based on events that took place in rural nineteenth-century Utah, this story should resonate with twenty-first-century children who have grown deeply attached to a doll or stuffed animal. In her picture-book debut, Randall tells of Mary Ann, a little girl whose prize companion is a cloth doll filled with wheat; ...READ MORE

Till the Cows Come Home by Jodi Icenoggle Robertson, Ages 4-8
Icenoggle lassos a traditional Jewish folktale ("The Button Story"), sets it in the American West, and rigs it up with tongue-tingling cowboy language to create an engaging story. A young cowboy, gifted in making saddles and bridles, receives a sturdy, soft-as-silk piece of leather from a grateful cowpuncher and stitches ...READ MORE

I Udderly Love You! by Kate Toms, Babies and toddlers
I Udderly Love You! is a playful and silly book that expresses the many ways to say "love you" from a cow's perspective. Your baby or toddler will giggle at the adorable pictures and clever use of "moo" such as "I love your every moo-vement, the way you skip about, ...READ MORE

Out to Lunch by Peggy Perry Anderson, Ages 4 - 8
When the babysitter calls out sick; Mom and Dad frog are in a pickle and decide to take their preschool son, Joe out to Lunch. However, like a typical little preschooler he can't sit still in the fancy restaurant and tries his parent's patience. Especially, when he catches the fly ...READ MORE

Reality Check by Peter Abrahams, Ages 12 and above
QB of the varsity football team. Passing grades in all his classes. Dating the hottest, "and smartest" girl at school. Summer job paying more than minimum wage. Things in Cody's world seem to be going pretty well. Until, that is, his girlfriend, Clea, is sent off to boarding school across ...READ MORE

DOGS by Emily Gravett, Toddler through Grade 1
DOGS is for every dog lover! The soft detailed illustrations depict many hilarious dog personalities and breeds. Throughout this book, Gravett teaches the concept of opposites, such as "I love hairy dogs and bald dogs. Stripy dogs and spotty dogs." DOGS is a book that young and old will enjoy ...READ MORE

Quiet Bunny's Many Colors by Lisa McCue, Ages 2 - 7
Quiet Bunny's Many Colors is a celebration of springtime. The illustrations are simply gorgeous featuring bright and vivid colors. The amazing detail on each page will stimulate conversation between you and your child. McCue writes a wonderful story that children will wish to read again and again. Quiet Bunny discovers ...READ MORE

In the Tall, Tall Grass by Denise Fleming, Ages 2-6
This is an easy read for children with a very amusing collection of illustrations to view as well. Every page is full of color and decorated with a bold font that jumps out at the reader. The story revolves around a fuzzy caterpillar adventuring in the tall, tall grass discovering ...READ MORE

The Red Lemon by Bob Staake, Ages 4-8
Hardcover, 40 pages. Ages 4-8 Farmer McPhee tends to his orchard of yellow lemons by the sea. He rhymes and riddles expressing his infatuation with lemons until the day he finds one not so yellow. "Who'd squeeze this red thing in their afternoon tea?Who'd buy a red lemon from ...READ MORE

Roly-Poly Egg by Kali Stileman, Ages 2-5
Hardcover, 32 pages. Ages 2-5 Splotch lays a spotted egg! Follow Splotch, a small, red, soon-to-be mother bird, on her unpredictable journey through the jungle. Her vibrant, multi-colored egg escapes from her sight when she bounces from excitement and wobbles the branch. This story is a journey of the ...READ MORE

A Home For Bird By Philip C. Stead (Ages 3-8)
*Hardcover, 32 pages.*Ages 3-8 Vernon, a very friendly, yellow toad comes across Bird on his stroll rummaging around the neighborhood. Bird, a blue bird with big button eyes, never said a peep but Vernon never gave up on him. Vernon introduced Bird to his friends, showed him the river, and ...READ MORE

I'm Here By Peter H. Reynolds (Ages 4-8)
"For the world you may be one person, but for one person-you may be the world" This quote is part of the story's dedication which inspired me to pick up and read the book. I'm Here is a heartwarming story encouraging childhood friendships and standing up for those who do ...READ MORE

Don't Copy Me By Jonathon Allen (Ages 2-4)
Hardcover, 32 pages.Ages 2 to 4 The plot of this children's book revolves around the notorious phrase, "Stop copying me!" From a young age, more specifically when they first learn to use their words, children find it oh so entertaining to mimic others... and we all know where it goes ...READ MORE

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell, Ages 6 months to 3 years
Dear Zoo is a classic board book that infants and toddlers have loved for nearly thirty years. With sturdy flaps to lift open, this book is engaging, surprising, and a treat for all. The story starts with ‚"I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet. They sent me ...READ MORE

I Love Bugs By Emma Dodd, Ages 3-6
Author and illustrator, Emma Dodd, brings bugs to a whole new level. I Love Bugs! introduces the reader to a variety of insects using fun, figurative language. Size, color, shape, and sound... you name it! Learn the difference between each insect and discover the boy in the story's favorite bug ...READ MORE

I'm the Best by Lucy Cousins, Ages 3-5
As the title confirms, Dog believes he is the best, and boy does he make it known. Dog introduces his friends- Ladybug, Mole, Goose, and Donkey, who he claims to love and adore. Unfortunately, Dog does not treat them as he should. As the story goes on, Dog boasts and ...READ MORE

Monkey See, Look at Me! By Lorena Siminovich, Ages 3-5
This is a cheery tale of the well known and loved game, monkey see, monkey do. Monkey prances around imitating the special traits of his many friends. Monkey jumps and roars and flaps his arms, but rabbit, lion and bird set him straight. "No, silly monkey,I'm a rabbit.I can jump ...READ MORE

A Dog Is A Dog, By Stephen Shaskan, Ages 2-5
A Dog Is A Dog is a clever picture book perfect for young children. With rhyming words and a variety of animals, this story keeps the listeners eager to guess which animal will show up next! "A moose is a moose,whether it's large or it's small.Whether it runs in the ...READ MORE

Lucy Can't Sleep, By Amy Schwartz, Ages 3-7
Lucy can't sleep. The title summarizes the entire story. Lucy tries everything under the sun to help her fall asleep but nothings seems to work. She tries counting sheep, she climbs out of bed, she searches for her favorite stuffed animal friends, and even sits out on the front porch. ...READ MORE

Mr. King's Things, By Genevieve Cote, Ages 4-7
Who doesn't like new things? But has Mr. King taken things too far? This story sends an important environmental message to the reader from a cheery group of animals that even the youngest children can relate to. Mr. King's favorite pastime is tossing his old things in the shallow pond ...READ MORE

Ollie's Halloween, By Oliver Dunrea, Ages 2-4
Ollie is a super cute and petite young, brown gosling. For Halloween, Ollie and his four gosling friends dress up and enjoy the night; a night to beware. The precious goslings creep around scaring frogs and mice and gobbling treats anywhere they can get their hands on some. "Hooting like ...READ MORE

Toads on Toast, By Linda Bailey and Colin Jack, Ages 3-7
This is a tale of a fox on the hunt for his favorite recipe. That's right! Toads. But what happens when Mamma Toad ventures to discover her poor baby toadlets on the cutting block? Her imagination runs wild in this suspenseful story that ends with a twist. Although Toads on ...READ MORE

Sky Color, By Peter H. Reynolds, Ages 4-6
Marisol is an artist. So lovely an artist, her drawings and painted masterpieces cover every inch of the refrigerator. Until the day her class was assigned the project of painting a mural for the school library. Marisol couldn't wait to begin and share her art work. As the title reveals, ...READ MORE