June 15, 2023

The Boy with Faster Brain Named 2023 National Parenting Product Award Winner

The Boy with the Faster Brain, Peter Shankman’s new book that helps parents and children navigate the scary and confusing world of ADHD, has been named winner of the National Parenting Products Award for 2023.  Integrity and honesty are at the core of NAPPA Awards' mission. For over 33 years, the National Parenting Product Awards (NAPPA) has been ensuring that parents purchase the highest quality products that help them connect and enjoy time with their families.

 Peter Shankman realized a long time ago that his ADHD was responsible for most, if not all his success. After starting and selling three companies and writing five best-selling books (including Faster Than Normal, which in five years has become the bible of ADHD and productivity), Peter decided it was time to write a book that focused on children—one that would teach them that ADHD, and all forms of neurodiversity, can be gifts, and not a curse—as long as they understand how to use them.

 That’s what The Boy with the Faster Brain is about. Meet Peter, his mom and dad, and Dr. Lisa, who together help Peter navigate the confusing and scary world of ADHD.  Working together, Peter comes to understand that he has a faster brain than other kids and why having that can be the best thing a child could ask for.  The story helps parents explain to children with any type of neurodiversity issues that there is nothing wrong with them in a way they can understand. The story explains that Peter’s faster brain is like a race car.  With the help of his parents and Dr. Lisa, Peter learns how to effectively “drive” his brain.  The important message in the book is that children with ADHD and other forms of neurodiversity are not broken, they are brilliant and learning how to harness their faster brains opens up a world of possibilities.



Peter Shankman is a spectacular example of what happens when you find the best traits of ADHD and work really hard to make them benefit you. By the time Peter was diagnosed as ADHD he had started and sold two companies and realized that all the differences that formerly labeled him as a troublemaker were actually his greatest assets. After Peter sold his third company, (Help a Reporter Out,) he decided to focus on really understanding this “faster brain” of his, and learning exactly what it could do. From that, the "Faster Than Normal" podcast and bestselling book of the same name were born. Since then, Peter has written numerous best-selling books and “Faster than Normal” is the Internet's #1 podcast on ADHD.  Peter believes that everyone has gifts, potential, and abilities far beyond what society has deemed “normal,” and strives to help bring those gifts to life in as many people as he can.  He lives in New York City with his 10-year-old daughter. For more information about Peter, visit his website,