What exercise do kids really need?
According to Dr. Mary C. Friesz, a registered dietitian and author of Food, Fun n' Fitness, kids don't need to be sculpting biceps or a set of "6 pack abs". They need enough to perform daily tasks without becoming exhausted and with enough additional energy left over to enjoy life. ...READ MORE

Family Tips for Slimming Down
Early in June of this year, New York City Major Bloomberg proposed that soft drinkss should not be sold in cups larger than16 ounces. This is an attempt to help fight the American obesity crisis. I agree that liquid calories can sure creep up on you before you know it! ...READ MORE

Make Fire Safety Plans Part of your Spring Routine
(ARA) - Cleaning, dusting, freshening and organizing - these steps are all typical activities for a spring cleaning routine. But while you're organizing your house or home office this season, make sure you've added organizing and streamlining your family safety and fire plans to your to-do list. While you can ...READ MORE

Benefits of Breastfeeding for Mom
Breastfeeding is a wonderful gift for both you and your baby. Many mothers feel fulfillment and joy from the physical and emotional communion they experience with their child while nursing. These feelings are augmented by the release of the hormones prolactin, which produces a peaceful, nurturing sensation that allows you ...READ MORE

Signs of Overload
Although stress is a part of life and growing up, you need to intervene when you sense that it is undermining your child's physical or psychological well-being. Here are some clues that stress may be having too negative an effect. * Your child develops physical symptoms like headaches and stomach ...READ MORE

Choosing Healthy Snacks
If the snacks at your home have usually been cookies, doughnuts, and soft drinks, it's time for a change. Two or 3 snacks a day are an important part of your child's overall nutrition, so you need to make them just as nutritionally sound as her regular meals, while contributing ...READ MORE

Spring Health Tips for Smart Parents
Spring has arrived and as the sun warms each day, you are spending more time outdoors with your children. It's a wonderful idea to get out of the house and enjoy some fresh air and outdoor playtime, but it's also important to keep spring safety topics in mind so your ...READ MORE

Summer Survival Tips: The Medicine Cabinet Edition
(ARA) - You can't avoid it: Summer activities mean bites, bumps, burns and bruises. Make sure you're ready by stocking up on these medicine-cabinet basics: Over-the-counter pain relieversSummer is the time when people are breaking out golf clubs, gardening tools and baseball gloves. All that activity increases the likelihood of ...READ MORE

Tips From the School Nurse: Healthy Bodies for Kids
Tips From the School Nurse: Healthy Bodies for Kids Everybody knows that health is very important. With a healthy body, you can enjoy fun activities like cycling, swimming, baseball, hiking, and so on. How do you make sure that you can be healthy and happy? Well, you have come to ...READ MORE