Omega-3s for Children and Teens
What about Omega 3's for your kids? Omega-3s are essential fatty acids -- we need them for our bodies to work properly. So how do omega-3s benefit children? Here's the rundown on the research. Keep in mind that few of these studies are definitive, and larger studies are needed to ...READ MORE

What is the Correct Portion Size?
Last week my family picked up some Chinese take out. When I opened up the container for what I ordered, I have never seen so much rice in my life! Good grief, do they really expect you to eat all that? This lead me to thinking that I probably had ...READ MORE

Weight Gain
We hear plenty about weight loss, but what about those that need to gain some weight? Believe it or not, sometimes weight gain can be as difficult! In order to gain a pound of weight a week, you need to consume 500 calories more each day than your body burns. ...READ MORE

Eat Your Veggies!
Your mom always told you to eat your veggies, but the truth is that most people don't get enough of them in their diet. When you skip out on vegetables, you are missing lots of vitamins and minerals as well as some fiber. Here are some easy ways to up ...READ MORE

Advice for a Safe Packed School Lunch
Most parents are more concerned if their kid is actually eating what they packed verses if it is safe after sitting for hours unrefrigerated. A study just published in the journal Pediatrics, indicates that fewer than 2% of the perishable foods packed in sack lunches for kids ages 3-5 were ...READ MORE

The Facts about High Fructose Corn Syrup
I'm sure you've heard or read things about High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS), but did you know if they were true or false? Well, now you can have the facts. As we all know, obesity rates are on the rise. One reason of the sharp increase is the use of ...READ MORE

Key Nutrients Young Athletes Need
Do you have a young athlete in the family? Give them the leg up on the competition with the proper fuel. Young athletes need a balance of key nutrients: Carbohydrates are the main energy source for muscles. About 50-60 percent of the athlete’s calories should come from this group. Complex ...READ MORE

Tips to Avoid Childhood Obesity
One of every six children or teenagers are overweight. Children can't change their exercise and eating habits by themselves. They need the help and support of families and other caregivers. Childhood obesity is usually caused by kids eating too much and exercising too little. Here are a few tips to ...READ MORE

Cooking With Your Children
One of the best ways to familiarize your child with good food choices is to encourage her to cook with you. Let her get involved in the entire process, from planning the menus to shopping for ingredients to the actual food preparation and its serving. When you are planning meals ...READ MORE

Picky Eaters
Although toddlers are beginning to develop food preferences, they also can be unpredictable about what they may want for a particular meal on a specific day. Their favorite food one day will end up being thrown on the floor the next. The food that they had spit out, day after ...READ MORE

Fuel for School
Has your healthy eating also taken a summer vacation? It's BACK TO SCHOOL time! Really, for many of us, this is like the New Year. At my house it means back to schedules and routines. Why not make this happen with your diet as well? What your child eats does ...READ MORE

Facebook Pages for Nutrition Information
We are a social media age. Why not have nutrition information right at your fingertips? Social media is a great way to keep abreast of information, recipes and health tips. It can provide a wealth of information you may not have otherwise known about. It can also help keep you ...READ MORE

What exercise do kids really need?
According to Dr. Mary C. Friesz, a registered dietitian and author of Food, Fun n' Fitness, kids don't need to be sculpting biceps or a set of "6 pack abs". They need enough to perform daily tasks without becoming exhausted and with enough additional energy left over to enjoy life. ...READ MORE

Family Tips for Slimming Down
Early in June of this year, New York City Major Bloomberg proposed that soft drinkss should not be sold in cups larger than16 ounces. This is an attempt to help fight the American obesity crisis. I agree that liquid calories can sure creep up on you before you know it! ...READ MORE