Kids Health
Kids Health provides families with accurate, up-to-date, and jargon-free health information about children from before birth through adolescence, that they can use. Kids Health has separate areas for kids, teens, and parents - each with its own design, age-appropriate content, and tone. ...READ MORE

Girlshealth.gov promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way. The website also provides information to parents and educators to help them teach girls about healthy living. ...READ MORE

Peer Trainer: Physical Fitness Resources for Kids
Many kids already know about staying healthy by eating good foods, but did you know that physical fitness is another way to stay in shape and ward off illnesses? Peer Trainer: Physical Fitness Resources for Kids offers links to numerous websites for some fun ideas on how to get fit ...READ MORE

Kids Health for Kids
Have questions about your health? Visit Kids Health Kids Pages for fun and interesting information about the Body and How it Works, Feelings, Staying Healthy, Staying Safe, Cooking & Recipes, Illness & Injuries, Health Problems of Grown Ups, Are You a Green Kids, The Daily Brain Buzz and More!! ...READ MORE

Teens Health
Teens Health is a component of KidsHealth.org. This site is loaded with great information on the body, mind, sexual health, drugs & alcohol, school & jobs, nutrition, recipes, fitness, addiction, and more. Extremely well organized and age appropriate, this is a great site for teens. ...READ MORE

Tips From the School Nurse: Healthy Bodies for Kids
Tips From the School Nurse: Healthy Bodies for Kids Everybody knows that health is very important. With a healthy body, you can enjoy fun activities like cycling, swimming, baseball, hiking, and so on. How do you make sure that you can be healthy and happy? Well, you have come to ...READ MORE